Friday 9 December 2011

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Tgl. Lahir              : 25 Juli 1996
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Tgl. Lahir              : 23 Januari 1996
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Thursday 1 December 2011

Teknik Menggunakan Video Menjadi Wallpaper Windows xp

Teknik Menggunakan Video Menjadi Wallpaper Windows xp - Jika anda punya video maka bisa menggunakan video tersebut untuk ditampilkan di layar komputer (desktop) sebagai wallpaper. Desktop akan terlihat lebih hidup dengan adanya video yang bergerak-gerak di layar komputer. Dalam contoh ini kita akan menggunakan video air terjun sebagai wallpaper.

Ada beberapa persiapan :

1. Download software xp scene ( ukuran 99 KB) , gunakan link berikut
atau disini

2. Download video , gunakan link berikut
atau disini

3. Jika di komputer anda belum terinstal NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 , bisa download disini (ukuran 23,8 MB),  file ini dibutuhkan jika wwindows xp anda belum diintegrasikan dengan NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2

Langkah selanjutnya:

a. Instal NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2
b. Jalankan software XP Scene

Pada step 1, pilih file video (gunakan saja video fall water yang sudah di download pada langkah 2 di atas.

Pilih keep input aspect ratio

Pada step 2 pilih folder tempat menyimpan output (hasil proses)

Pada step 3 klik tombol panah melengkung untuk memulai proses konversi video ke wallpaper (html)

c. Langkah selanjutnya, klik kanan di desktop (layar komputer), pilih properties
akan muncul kotak dialog berikut
 Pilih tabulasi Desktop

Klik tombol Browse untuk memilih file video yang sudah dikonversi ke html  pada langkah b di atas
cari file yang telah dikonversi ke format  html , dalam contoh ini "fall waters"

File fall waters akan masuk ke list Background
Klik Apply , OK

Jika berhasil maka layar komputer (desktop) akan menampilkan video water falls (air terjun).

Untuk pengguna windows 7 , jika ingin mengganti wallpaper windows 7 bisa lihat panduannya disini wallpaper video windows 7

Cara Mengaktifkan dan Menonaktifkan Okozo Flash Wallpaper Windows 7

Cara Mengaktifkan dan Menonaktifkan Okozo Flash Wallpaper Windows 7 - Dalam postingan tentang mengaktifkan wallpaper animasi windows 7 telah tercantum cara mengaktifkan dan mengintegrasikan aplikasi okozo dan file animasi "interactive ants". Proses tersebut cukup sekali dilakukan. Untuk mengaktifkan wallpaper tersebut untuk kali kedua dan seterusnya, cukup dengan double klik shorcut Okozo Desktop yang ada di layar komputer.

Sedangkan untuk menonaktifkan wallpaper animasi okozo, cukup dengan klik kanan di desktop, kemudian pada popup menu pilih Okozo - Exit.
Maka secara otomatis wallpaper akan kembali ke tampilan default

Teknik Menampilkan Animasi Wallpaper Flash pada Windows 7

Teknik Menampilkan Animasi Wallpaper Flash pada Windows 7 - Dalam postingan ini akan dibahas tentang cara menampilkan animasi wallpaper flash pada windows 7. Posting ini adalah merupakan kelanjutan dari postingan sebelumnya tentang cara menginstal okozo di windows 7.
Dengan anggapan okozo telah sukses anda instal di komputer, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan konfigurasi dan download file animasi yang akan dijadikan wallpaper

Prosedur yang harus anda lakukan adalah:

1. Buka situs okozo menggunakan link berikut
okozo wallpaper
Pilih salahsatu file wallpaper flash yang tersedia, dalam contoh ini digunakan "Interactive ants wallpaper"

2. Akan terbuka halaman yang berisi link untuk download flash wallpaper tersebut
Klik tombol download

3. Setelah file flash tersebut terunduh, buka windows explorer
Pilih / double klik file interractive-ants

4. Jika file tersebut telah terintegrasi dengan aplikasi okozo desktop, maka akan muncul pesan berikut : "Wallpaper Successfully Loaded"
Klik OK

5. Untuk menjalankan aplikasi okozo, bisa dengan mengklik shorcut okozo yang ada di start menu, atau shorcut okozo pada desktop, dalam contoh ini saya menggunakan shorcut okozo yang ada di taskbar windows

6. Akan terbuka panel aplikasi okozo desktop, pilih Wallpaper - Cartoon - Insect , klik/doubleklik pada Insects untuk menampilkan Okozo Desktop Preview window

7. Pada Okozo Desktop Preview window, klik tombol Apply

8, Secara default ada10 semut yang tampil dan berkeliaran di desktop. Untuk menambah semut yang tampil di desktop, pada window Ant Configuration , klik panah segitiga atas pada Number of Ants untuk menambah jumlah semut yang akan ditampilkan di desktop komputer
Klik Save Setting

9. Selanjutnya di panel aplikasi okozo pilih Wallpaper - Display - Don't display On , centang Monitor 0

10. Jika sukses maka akan tampil semut-semut yang berjalan dan berlari di desktop komputer / notebook seperti gambar di bawah ini

Silahkan mencoba.

Teknik Menginstall Flash Animation Okozo di Windows 7

Teknik Menginstall Flash Animation Okozo di Windows 7 - Berhubung blog ini dikhususkan buat pemula, maka sebagai pelengkap tutorial tentang cara membuat wallpaper flash animation windows 7 saya sertakan panduan menginstal aplikasi flash animation wallpaper okozo secara sederhana dan tutorial ini diusahakan step by step yang diharapkan bisa mempermudah pengguna komputer pemula dalam mengaktifkan animasi flash menjadi wallpaper desktop yang unik dan menarik.

Untuk menginstal aplikasi desktop okozo silahkan ikuti prosedur berikut:

1.Download dan instal adobe flash player di komputer. Bisa download disini adobe flash player
Download installer okozo bisa gunakan link berikut okozo desktop
Perlu diperhatikan aplikasi okozo desktop tersebut tersedia dalam dua paket yaitu
a. Okozo Desktop 32-bit Installer untuk Windows Vista dan 7 versi 32 bit
b. Okozo Desktop 64-bit Installer untuk Windows 7 dan Vista versi 64 bit
Pilih installer sesuai versi bit windows anda. Untuk mengetahui windows 7 anda 32 bit atau 64

2. Setelah mengunduh installer okozo desktop, double klik file installer tersebut, maka akan tampil kotak dialog Security Warning berikut " The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software"

Klik tombol Run

3. Selanjutnya tampil kotak dialog Okozo Desktop Setup "Welcome to the Okozo Desktop Setup Wizard"
Klik Next

4. Kemudian akan muncul kotak dialog "Okozo Desktop Setup : Nitro PDF Reader"
Aplikasi Nitro PDF Reader fungsinya sama dengan Adobe PDF Reader, yaitu untuk membaca file-file pdf,
Pilih Option "I do not want to install Nitro PDF Reader"
Klik tombol Install

5. Selanjutnya muncul kotak dialog berikut, silahkan dibaca dulu perjanjian "Okozo Desktop End User Licence Agreement"
Klik "I Agree"

6. Dan akan muncul kotak dialog Installing Microsoft(R) DirectX(R)
Pilih "I accept the agreement"
Klik Next

Untuk melakukan update Microsoft DirectX dibutuhkan koneksi internet, secara default komputer akan terkoneksi ke situs microsoft, selanjutnya akan di analisa oleh Microsoft DirectX engine untuk penyesuaian update file file side development kit dan file dll yang nantinya dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan aplikasi okozo

7. Akan muncul kotak dialog berikut yang berisi option untuk menginstal Bing Bar di browser anda.
Kosongkan saja box centang "Install the Bing Bar"
Klik Next

8. Secara otomatis komputer akan terhubung ke situs microsoft, selanjutnya situs microsoft akan mulai menganalisa directX yang ada di komputer, dilanjutkan dengan proses downloading component pendukung directX seperti DirectX Runtime Optional Components, DirectX SDK Update,  dan file-file dinamyc link library lainnya.

Proses ini butuh beberapa menit, sebagai contoh saya menggunakan Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit dibutuhkan sekitar 35 menit untuk mengupdate directX Windows, dengan ukuran file update sekitar 48,2 MB.

9. Setelah proses update directX selesai, akan muncul kotak dialog "Instalation Complete" seperti di bawah ini
Klik Finish

10. Kemudian proses instalasi Okozo berlanjut seperti gambar berikut :

12. Okozo kembali melakukan analisa component pendukung lainnya yaitu "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Setup", jika component tersebut belum terinstal maka muncul kotak dialog berikut:
Centang box I have read and accept the license term
Klik tombol Install

11. Setelah proses instalasi selasai ,selanjutnya akan muncul kotak dialog berikut yang berisi pesan :
"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable has been installed"
Klik tombol Finish

12.Selanjutnya akan muncul kotak dialog berikut "Completing the Okozo Desktop Setup Wizard"
Klik Finish

Sampai disini proses instalasi okozo di komputer sudah berhasil. Langkah selanjutnya melakukan aktivasi animation file dan setup configuration okozone themes.

Cara Menampilkan Frame Photo Slide Show di Desktop Komputer

Cara Menampilkan Frame Photo Slide Show di Desktop Komputer - Jika ingin menampilkan slide show gambar-gambar kesukaan atau foto-foto pribadi di desktop komputer, salah satu cara yang bisa digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan software gratis photo frame. Kelebihan software ini adalah gambar/foto dapat tampil di dalam gadget yang terletak di pojok kanan bawah, saat membuka sebuah window aplikasi seperti misalnya microsoft excel, dll , maka gadget slideshow tersebut akan tampil di depan window aplikasi ms excel yang aktif, sehingga secara langsung anda dapat melihat slideshow tersebut. Jika menggunakan slideshow themes maka gambar akan terlihat saat window aplikasi di desktop di close/minimize.

Software ini dapat digunakan di
windows XP maupun Windows 7. Untuk memasang photo frame slideshow di komputer bisa ikuti prosedur berikut:

1. Download software photoframe dengan menggunakan link berikut
photo frame

2. Setelah terinstal di komputer, buka aplikasi photo frame

Double klik di dalam kotak frame area untuk menampilkan window photo frame seperti gambar di bawah.
Pada Tabulasi "Select Frame", pilih salah satu frame yang akan digunakan, dalam contoh ini digunakan frame Baguette
Klik OK

3. Selanjutnya pilih tabulasi Select photo
Pilih option Slide show
Pada bagian directory photos : klik tombol browse (titik tiga) untuk memilih direktori/folder yang berisi gambar yang akan ditampilkan
Di bagian Change picture atur interval slide show, dalam contoh di bawah, gambar akan diubah secara otomatis setiap 5 menit (every 5 minutes)
Klik OK

4. Jika pengaturan frame slideshow berhasil, maka akan tampil frame di pojok kanan bawah layar komputer, seperti di bawah ini

Untuk menampilkanlebih dari satu gadget frame slideshow di desktop bisa buka aplikasi photoframe menggunakan shortcut link photoframe yang ada di desktop atau shorcut yang ada di start menu. Kemudian lakukan langkah 1 sampai 3 di atas.

Alternatif link

Teknik Membuat Video Menjadi Wallpaper Windows 7 Menggunakan Dream Scene

Cara membuat video menjadi wallpaper windows 7 . Windows 7 memiliki fitur yang bisa digunakan untuk menampilkan video menjadi background desktop (wallpaper). Jika secara default gambar yang terpasang di wallpaper windows 7 adalah gambar diam. Maka dengan memanfaatkan fitur Dream Scene. Fitur dream scene secara default tidak aktif, maka dibutuhkan sebuah tools gratis untuk mengaktifkannya yaitu Windows 7 DreamScene Activator

Untuk membuat video wallpaper di windows 7 , lakukan prosedur berikut:

1. Download software activator disini Windows 7 DreamScene Activator
Download video dan file pendukungnya disini Dreamscene
dalam contoh ini saya menggunakan video water fall
 (masih ada beberapa video lain yang bisa anda download jika tidak suka video waterfall di atas)
Catatan: Simpan ketiga file di atas dalam folder yang sama , 

2. Instal dan jalankan aplikasi Windows 7 DreamScene Activator di komputer
Klik Enable Dreamscene

3.Dengan anggapan anda sudah mengaktifkan (enable dreamscene)
Buka windows explorer (direktori yang berisi file video waterfall.mpeg)
Klik kanan pada file waterfall.mpeg
Pilih Set as Desktop Background

4. Jika berhasil maka bacgkround desktop anda akan menampilkan air yang mengalir
Untuk menghentikan air mengalir pilih "pause dreamscene"
Untuk menjalankan pilih "play dreamscene"

Untuk pengguna windows xp , jika ingin mengganti wallpaper windows xp bisa lihat panduannya disini wallpaper video windows xp
Beberapa postingan lain terkait wallpaper windows bisa dilihat disini :
1. Cara menggunakan video menjadi wallpaper windows xp
2. Cara membuat wallpaper animasi swf tanpa software wallpaper desktop

Teknik Membuat Wallpaper Animasi SWF tanpa Software Wallpaper Desktop

Teknik Membuat Wallpaper Animasi SWF tanpa Software Wallpaper Desktop - Membuat wallpaper animasi lucu tanpa menggunakan software wallpaper desktop. Dengan menggunakan file html dan sebuah file animasi dengan format swf dapat dibuat sebuah wallpaper yang kelihatan unik. File swf tersebut akan bergerak-gerak di layar komputer. Wallpaper animasi swf lebih hemat resources komputer jika dibanding dengan menjadikan video sebagai wallpaper .

Ada beberapa tahapan:

1. Buat sebuah file html , siapkan sebuah file animasi (file swf )
Jika belum punya bisa download file yang saya gunakan dalam tutorial ini, bisa download disini wallpaper animasi swf ( 9 KB)

2. Jika tidak ingin membuat file swf dan html , bisa gunakan saja file yang sudah di download di atas. kemudian langsung ke tahap 3, tanpa mengedit lagi scriptnya

Jika ingin membuat kode html bisa gunakan script html di bawah ini:

<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
<param name="movie" value="kodok.swf">
<embed src="kodok.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="900" height="600" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">


a.Ganti  kodok.swf dengan file flash anda
b. Masukkan script di atas ke dalam tag body  .
c. Untuk mengedit bisa menggunakan notepad 

3 . Masukkan file wallpaperkodok.html dan kodok.swf ke folder C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper

4. Langkah selanjutnya klik kanan di desktop kemudian pilih Properties - Desktop

Dibagian background pilih wallpaperkodok

Jika berhasil maka di layar monitor akan tampak kodok yang makan sejenis serangga terbang mungkin nyamuk , lalat atau tawon...

Jika tertarik dengan tampilan wallpaper yang bergerak di desktop, silahkan dicoba panduan membuat wallpaper bergerak di atas.

Cara Setting Animasi Flash Wallpaper Windows 7

Cara Setting Animasi Flash Wallpaper Windows 7 - Selain memasang animasi wallpaper flash windows xp, kita dapat juga memasang flash animated wallpaper di windows  7. Namun untuk membuat animasi flash menjadi wallpaper di windows 7 dibutuhkan sebuah software khusus yaitu okozo desktop yang pengaturannya agak sedikit membingungkan buat pemula, karena ada beberapa tahapan yang diperlukan agar wallpaper animasi tersebut dapat aktif menjadi desktop themes windows 7.

Wallpaper animasi flash ini tidak terlalu menguras sumberdaya memory komputer jika dibandingkan dengan memory yang digunakan oleh
wallpaper video windows 7.
Aplikasi Okozo Desktop menggunakan memory sebesar 15,256 KB atau sekitar 15 MB. bisa dilihat pada gambar Window Task Manager berikut.

Spesifkasi Okozo bisa dilihat di bawah ini:
a. Compatibility: Windows Vista, Windows 7, 32bit and 64bit.
b. Membutuhkan DirectX 9.0c, dan Adobe flash player , sedangkan Windows 7 menggunakan DirectX 11
c. Membutuhkan Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable
d. Dan beberapa file dynamic link library

Untuk memudahkan pengguna yang masih pemula dalam menginstal dan mengaktifkan aplikasi okozo di komputer, saya membagi menjadi beberapa tutorial terpisah. Jika sudah bisa menginstal namun kesulitan menampilkan wallpaper flashnya bisa langsung ke langkah 2. Jika sedah mampu menampilkan namun kesulitan menonaktifkan /disable flash animation wallpaper bisa langsung ke langkah 3.

Menginstall flash animation okozo di windows 7
2. Menampilkan animasi wallpaper flash pada windows 7
3. Mengaktifkan dan menonaktifkan okozo flash wallpaper windows 7

Jika berhasil menginstal okozo + interactive ants dan mengaktifkan di pc desktop/notebook anda maka anda bisa melihat semut-semut yang berkeliaran dan kejar-mengejar di layar komputer. Screenshootnya bisa dilihat di bawah ini.

Teknik Memasang Aplikasi Animasi Desktop Windows 7

Teknik Memasang Aplikasi Animasi Desktop Windows 7 - Jika sebelumnya saya membahas tentang wallpaper animasi windows 7. Maka kali ini akan saya posting tentang animasi bergerak berupa binatang kutu, kecoa dan lalat yang berjalan dan terbang di layar komputer anda. Sekalipun binatang ini adalah binatang hama, namun jika dipelihara di desktop komputer, hewan ini kadang menjadi binatang penghibur.

Aplikasi ini sebenarnya bukan wallpaper, namun masih merupakan bagian desktop application, dimana aplikasi binatang tersebut berjalan sendiri tanpa terpengaruh oleh pergantian wallpaper. Bahkan ketiga jenis binatang tersebut bisa berjalan secara bersamaan.

Contohnya bisa dilihat di bawah ini :

Jika diantara teman-teman ada yang ingin mencoba aplikasi freeware alias gratis ini bisa mengunduh di situs pengembangnya atau gunakan link berikut desktop animation

Alternatif link

Animasi kutu -
Animasi kecoak -
Animasi lalat -

Software desktop animation ini dapat berjalan di windows xp,vista maupun windows 7.

Ukuran file installer animasi ini bervariasi antara 600 KB hingga 3 MB.
Setelah terinstal di komputer, secara default binatang yang akan ditampilkan hanya 5 ekor saja, untuk menambah binatangnya klik kanan pada ikon kecoa, kutu atau lalat yang ada di taskbar, kemudian pilih Add 5 ladybugs , untuk menambah binatangnya lebi banyak lakukan Add 5 ladybugs berkali-kali.

Untuk menonaktifkan aplikasi ini cukup klik Exit seperti gambar di bawah.

Pengembang Software ini juga membuat aplikasi photoframe yang pernah saya bahas tutorialnya disini photo frame slideshow

Jika tertarik silahkan dicoba.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Retrieve irreplaceable DVD video off 8cm discs

Did you just put a perfectly fine looking 8cm disc into your DVD camcorder, only to find that your camera does not see any video on it? Did your DVD camcorder inexplicably generate a "disc is unrecordable" error message one day?

CDRoller by Digital Atlantic Corp. ( ) will read the unreadable mini dvd, and gain access to inaccessible video data.

You accidently dropped your camera and had lost a precious footage of your child's birthday. The mini dvd looked like a blank in any computer or dvd player that you tried it in.
CDRoller does not use standard methods to access the troubled dvd media. Instead, it accesses discs directly, searching for the lost video data. Even if your DVD looks like a blank one, CDRoller may still be able to find the missing footages and convert them into standard MPEG files that are ready to play back with Windows Media Player.

Sometimes, you can not complete a disc finalization due to a low charge of battery in your camcorder. You attempt to replay unfinalized disc in DVD player, but mini DVD would not be recognized let alone, play. If you try to read such disc in your computer, you most likely won't get anything. Your PC may even freeze for a moment trying to access the disc data. You face the prospect of losing a whole DVD of priceless family video, including the last Christmas, a wedding or a trip to another country.

Fortunately, CDRoller retrieves a video files on the DVDs that were not properly finalized by Hitachi, Panasonic, Sony, Samsung, Canon and other DVD camcorders. The program supports a wide set of 8cm discs, including DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM media types.

But what if you still want to make a new disc with recovered movies?

CDRoller not only finds and recovers the lost video on the mini DVDs, but it also makes a new discs that can be played back in the most DVD players. The program comes with built-in DVD-video burner, allowing you to watch the recovered movies on standalone DVD players.

CDRoller is available as a free evaluation download. Get your copy now at, or read what others have to say on how it saved their important data by visiting

Smarter Data Recovery

Recovering data lost due to system malfunction or user error requires hours of work preceded by hours of research from unsuspecting victims. Educate yourself about possible ways to recover data from damaged disks and corrupted flash memory cards before the failure happens.

While there is no lack of data recovery tools on the market, downloading and trying one after another is the worst idea ever. A badly executed unsuccessful attempt to recover lost files can and does cause irreparable damage to corrupted data.
How would you choose the right data recovery tool to do the job? There are several criteria to data recovery software that you should be aware of. First, there are tools designed to recover your files and data, such as Office documents, archives, pictures and other stuff, and there are tools that repair the damaged disk structures such as the file system (FAT or NTFS), MBR and partition table. Note that the second class of recovery tools cares little about what happens to your data, often messing up with your files while repairing the damaged system structures.

Second, if you are new to data recovery, you need a tool that is as easy to use as possible. You don't want data recovery tools advertised as 'professional', as only the real professionals can benefit from using those. Let us be honest: you're more likely to screw things up with these tools as they deliberately lack any protection against possibly disruptive actions on your side.

Third, get only those tools that can demonstrate their ability to recover data instead of taking their word on it.
Smart Data Recovery ( by Smart PC Solutions is a perfect solution for rush data recovery. If you have no specialized experience in data recovery, but need your data back right away with no risk, Smart Data Recovery is an ideal tool for you.

Fixing your files and recovering your data, Smart Data Recovery ( is designed as a fully fool-proof solution. A simple step-by-step wizard guides you through the recovery process, asking you questions that are easy to understand and to answer, such as asking you to pick a disk that contains files to recover. To make things run even smoother, Smart Data Recovery has a U3/USB edition that runs from a flash memory card, minimizing unnecessary writes to the damaged disk.

Smart Data Recovery  ( can often recover files even if your disk has been reformatted (on FAT formatted disks). Smart Data Recovery can recover data from disks formatted with all versions of FAT or NTFS. The pre-recovery preview demonstrates you exactly what the recovered file will look like, making you sure that the recovery is actually possible. Don't take our word on it!

Summary: Recovering data lost due to system malfunction or user error requires hours of work preceded by hours of research from unsuspecting victims. Educate yourself about possible ways to recover data from damaged disks and corrupted flash memory cards before the failure happens.
Download Data Recovery now! (

Monday 1 August 2011

The Drama of Data Recovery

Data loss is often a tragic and traumatic experience for most computer users. It is often due to hard drive failure, accidental formatting, electronic malfunctioning or a product of "natural calamities". This seems to be not much of a problem when there are viable data back-ups that the user creates. However, the problem comes when we tarry on making our back-up files, which is not a rare practice by the way. Yet even for those who prepare back-up files still fail to check on the viability of their back-ups.

In fact, even top-rated organizations are victims of data loss, because it simply happen all the time without choosing its target.
One minute, your files are all there. The next minute they're gone.

Whether yours is a novel that you have been working on for some time now, or some business data that means a lot to your career, it will still be like a great tragedy that will befall you. Now, when all your data are loss, are they truly gone forever? Can't something be done about them?

Off course there is…data recovery!

Data recovery is a huge business, which help computer users recover their data losses, even from a burned out hard drive!

Once a hard drive is sent to a data recovery company, it will be subjected to a diagnosis that will help determine the drive's condition and the status of the data loss. This process of evaluation will allow data recovery engineers to identify the problems and the necessary courses to take.

Logical failures, a type of failure that results from file-system corruption will take some time to rebuild. This is mainly because the solution to the failure would have to be a rebuilding process. However, there are cases that the whole drive would not need a total reconstruction. These occur when the media is not totally wrecked.

If however the failure roots from a physical problem, that may be more of a challenge. The data recovery engineer will have to scan the media and scan the binary code. This then will be rebuilt and transferred to a new hard drive. But users often elect the use of VCD' and CD's.

The process of evaluation typically consumes one day. However, depending on the data recovery company, the actual data recovery process may take some 3 to 5 days. If you want immediate results (like when data recovery is a matter of life and death), there are agencies offering rush works during weekends. But off course with tag prices that are higher than usual.

Data recovery on its premium service commands great prices. Sadly the motto here seem to be- "you get what you paid for". It must be understood that data recovery process is a very intricate one, which requires factors that come with expensive tags. This is probably due to the truth that when something becomes complicated, it already owns the license to obligate consumers to pay higher for the services.

You don't only pay for the services itself but also for the skill of the data recovery engineer. The better the skill, the higher the price. In data recovery industry, one surety to retrieve lost data is to hire talented engineers who can perform at the highest level of standard. However, even that would not suffice. In fact, no one can actually guarantee you of the desired outcome. Experienced data recovery engineers can only provide you with tentative solutions, however so long as data recovery is on its process, there is no assurance that lost data can be recovered in the manner that you so desired.

In here, your only refuge is to seek for a very experienced engineer to accomplish the job and hope with cross fingers that he may produce a job well done.

The facts of Colocation Hosting

Colocation Hosting
Colocation hosting is a recent buzzword in technological breakthroughs. Colocation is best defined as the process of locating of equipment in another location. On the contrary the client in alternative locations defines Colocation hosting as the location of personal servers – usually the Colocation is of high-end data center. This data center is invariably a packaged composition and this process of Colocation hosting includes the likes of – a high speed internet connection, space, highest level of security, regulated air temperature and professionally managed server solutions to name a few. Colocation. The Colocation service providers could come in different hues which could extend from space service providers who rent space in the data centers and are companies in their own right, the data center owners or even those who are Colocation resellers and not even located on site.
The Colocation Hosting Option

Colocation hosting of services by self may not be the simplest of procedures but they are invariably accompanied by innumerable advantages. The Colocation hosting service providers would enable the client to benefit from the data center’s security, network and environment at all times. This Colocation of hosting services is done at the state of art high-end data centers and need to focus on numerous factors if they are to be a success story. The start up operations would depend on the number of servers that need to be collocated, the bandwidth service providers, the business strategy being adopted and the location of data center of choice – these and more would determine the start up costs of the project.

Service Profiling

A visit to a few data centers could be very informative – a commonality factor which is visible in all data centers is what is known as the ‘rack’ and this rack is important for the Colocation service hosting provider charges a monthly rental for the rack space used. The servers in data centers are stored in cabinets, which in turn are stored on racks. The Colocation hosting follows a few protocols which are fundamental to the Colocation hosting services and need to well comprehended by all Colocation hosting services user at best – the upkeep and maintenance of the servers is the sole responsibility of the user and not the Colocation hosting services provider and the cost of the high speed internet is borne by the user and not the service provider.

Evaluation Protocol
The choice of an ideal data center is not by cost – rather it is by the quality of the data center. The data center of choice needs to adhere to a set protocol which will include – high end security, fast internet connectivity, environment, power backup and fire protection measures to name a few. The Colocation hosting service providers selection then is more than merely selecting a high end data center – it is rather a combination of numerous factors the most important – other than the selection of a data center – being flexibility and control which is best exhibited by the freedom to select the software and the hardware configuration of choice.

The Solution To Finding Your Lost Files - Data Recovery Companies

When the worst happens to your computer and all your files disappear, never worry! There are a number of quality data recovery companies that are able to restore your critical files quickly and easily.

Instead of tearing out your hair over a stubborn computer that is holding that essential file hostage, let the worries slide away and send off your hard drive to a data recovery company. These companies work their magic and recover files of all sizes in a remarkably quick turn around time. This service is essential for any individual or business that has fallen onto hard times with their computer.
Most data recovery companies operate over the internet and occupy cyberspace as they would a store front. If you find yourself in need of a quality company to find your files, look no further than the World Wide Web.

A simple search of search engines will produce hundreds of quality companies eager to solve your every problem. Before you send off your hard drive, carefully evaluate the chosen company to ensure it is legitimate and reputable. Using an incorrect company may result in further headaches and a loss of money for services not rendered.

Upon your search for a data recovery company, investigate their capabilities and services. Choosing a company that will best serve your needs will ensure the greater success in the end. You may need to compare services versus charges for these data recovery companies.

The old adage, “you get what you pay for” could not be truer when it comes to regaining your lost files. If you are taking the trouble to send off your hard drive in an attempt to reclaim critical files for business or personal reasons, then you should be prepared to spend the appropriate amount of money to get the job done. However, just because one data recovery is more expensive than another one does not mean the pricier company is more successful.

When choosing a data recovery company to reclaim your files, consider contacting individuals who has used their services in the past. This recommendation to use or to avoid the company may be an excellent method to choosing a company.

Also, contact the company directly and explain your specific situation. A representative for the company will be able to discuss the possibility of the recovery of your files and the estimated cost of their services. You should be sure to inquire the expense if the company is unable to recover the lost files. Many companies offer to return your hard drive without charging for their services if they are unable to deliver your compromised files.

Whichever data recovery company you entrust to regain your lost files, be sure to keep the company’s contact information if you are pleased with the services rendered. Having this resource can be invaluable if a similar fate befalls your files in the future and you need a reputable source to recover these files as quickly as possible. If you are pleased with the data recovery company, be sure to tell other individuals in your predicament.

The Value of Data Media Security

A basic locking cabinet can secure valuable papers or personal items but it will not protect them from theft or fire damage. Only safes can provide a superior level of protection for documents, jewelry, guns and personal items. computer data that would be difficult or impossible to duplicate if lost.

While paper records secured within a fire-rated safe can withstand temperatures up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, computer media is damaged beyond use by temperatures above 125 degrees and 80% humidity. Microfiche film, tapes, diskettes, CDs, DVDs and computer media require the added protection of a data media safe.
Data Media Safes are specifically designed for data media storage. Protect against fire and climactic changes--a requirement for a small business or home office. A data media safe must keep the internal temperature below 125ยบ and the humidity level below 85%. Several fire testing laboratories have tested our safes at a temperature of 1,832 degrees F for over one hour with internal temperatures remaining below 122 degrees F. The safes were awarded the one-hour label. In addition, the safes are manufactured under ISO 9002 quality standard requirements.

Fire could destroy your business! In fact, eight businesses burn almost every hour in the U.S. resulting in over 2.3 billion dollars in annual losses.* Unfortunately, seven out of ten businesses have not adequately protected their vital records. When that information is destroyed a business often fails. Don't become a company that incurs fire damage resulting in critical loss of data (customer, personnel, accounting files, etc.) by not utilizing quality fire and data media safes. Survival is possible but preparation is necessary.

To view our inventory of Data Media Safes visit

What Are Survivable Computer Systems

Definition Of A Survivable Computer System
A computer system, which may be made up of multiple individual systems and components, designed to provide mission critical services must be able to perform in a consistent and timely manner under various operating conditions. It must be able to meet its goals and objectives whether it is in a state of normal operation or under some sort of stress or in a hostile environment. A discussion on survivable computer systems can be a very complex and far reaching one. However, in this article we will touch on just a few of the basics.
Computer Security And Survivable Computer Systems
Survivable computer systems and computer security are in many ways related but at a low-level very much different. For instance, the hardening of a particular system to be resistant against intelligent attacks may be a component of a survivable computer system. It does not address the ability of a computer system to fulfill its purpose when it is impacted by an event such as a deliberate attack, natural disaster or accident, or general failure. A survivable computer system must be able to adapt, perform its primary critical functions even if in a hostile environment, even if various components of the computer system are incapacitated.  In some cases, even if the entire "primary" system has been destroyed.

As an example; a system designed to provide real-time critical information regarding analysis of specialized medications ceases to function for a few hours because of wide spread loss of communication. However, it maintains the validity of the data when communication is restored and systems come back online. This computer system could be considered to have survived under conditions outside of its control.

On the other hand, the same system fails to provide continuous access to information under normal circumstances or operating environment, because of a localized failure, may not be judged to have fulfilled its purpose or met its objective.

Fault Tolerant And Highly Availability Computer Systems
Many computer systems are designed with fault tolerant components so they continue to operate when key portions of the system fail. For instance; multiple power supplies, redundant disk drives or arrays, even multiple processors and system boards that can continue to function even if its peer component is destroyed or fails. The probability of all components designed to be redundant failing at one time may be quite low. However, a malicious entity that knows how the redundant components are configured may be able to engineer critical failures across the board rendering the fault tolerant components ineffective.

High availability also plays a role in a survivable computer system. However this design component may not maintain computer system survivability during certain events such as various forms of malicious attack . An example of this might be a critical web service that has been duplicated, say across multiple machines, to allow continuous functionality if one or more the individual web servers was to fail. The problem is that many implementations of high availability use the same components and methodology on all of the individual systems. If an intelligent attack or malicious event takes place and is directed at a specific set of vulnerabilities on one of the individual systems, it is reasonable to assume the remaining computer systems that participate in the highly available implementation are also susceptible to the same or similar vulnerabilities. A certain degree of variance must be achieved in how all systems participate in the highly available implementation.

What's The Difference Between An Attack, Failure, And Accident?
How Do These Differences Impact A Survivable Computer System
In many cases when I am discussing the security of systems with customers, the question of business continuity and disaster recovery come up. Most companies that provide a service that they deem critical just know the system needs to be operational in a consistent manner. However, there is typically little discussion about the various events or scenarios surrounding this and that can lead to great disappointment in the future when what the customer thought was a "survivable computer system" does not meet their expectations. Some of the items I like to bring up during these conversations is what their computer systems goal and objective is, what specifically does continuous operation mean to them, and specifically what constitutes an attack, failure, or accident that can cause loss of operation or failure to meet objectives.

A failure may be defined as a localized event that impacts the operation of a system and its ability to deliver services or meet its objectives. An example might be the failure of one or more critical or non-critical functions that effect the performance or overall operation of the system. Say, the failure of a module of code that causes a cascading event that prevents redundant modules from performing properly. Or, a localize hardware failure that incapacitates the computer system. 

An accident is typically an event that is outside the control of the system and administrators of a local / private system. An example of this would be natural disasters such as hurricanes, if you live in south Florida like I do, or floods, or wide spread loss of power because the utility provider cut the wrong power lines during an upgrade to the grid. About two years ago, a client of mine who provides web based document management services could not deliver revenue generating services to their customers because a telecommunications engineer cut through a major phone trunk six blocks away from their office. They lost phone and data services for nearly a week.

An now we come to "attack". We all know accidents will happen, we know that everything fails at one time or another, and typically we can speculate on how these things will happen. An attack, executed by an intelligent, experienced individual or group can be very hard to predict. There are many well known and documented forms of attacks. The problem is intelligence and human imagination continuously advance the form of malicious attacks and can seriously threaten even the most advanced designed survivable computer systems. An accident or failure does not have the ability to think out of the box or realize that a highly available design is flawed because all participants use the same design. The probability that an attack might occur, and succeed may be quite low, but the impact may be devastating.

One of the reasons I wrote this article was to illustrate that it's not all about prevention. Although prevention is a big part of survivable computer system design, a critical computer system must be able to meet its objectives even when operating under hostile or stressful circumstances. Or if the steps taking for prevention ultimately prove inadequate. It may be impossible to think of all the various events that can impact a critical computer system but it is possible to reasonably define the possibilities.

The subject of survivable computer systems is actually one of complexity and ever evolving technology. This article has only touched on a few of the basic aspects of computer system survivability. I intend on continuing this article to delve deeper into the subject of survivable computer systems.

You may reprint or publish this article free of charge as long as the bylines are included. 

Original URL (The Web version of the article)

Sunday 31 July 2011

When Do You Need to Use a Professional Data Recovery Service?

There are a number of data recovery software programs intended to help you when an emergency calls for data recovery, however it is important to determine when you can do the job by yourself, and when you need to use a professional data recovery service.

Data recovery is a time consuming process that most of the time requires some level of technical knowledge in order to keep the integrity of the destroyed data destroyed no matter what the cause. Hard drive data recovery, when performed the wrong way, can lead to permanent data loss and even damage the surface.

Therefore, when it comes to deciding on data recovery software or professional data recovery service, stop for a while and think about it twice. How much do you know about the recovery processes? Are your computer skills enough to perform the operation by yourself? Is the software comprehensible and easy to use? Are there any warranties of full data recovery?

To all those questions, add the most important:
How critical is it for you or your business to recover the data that was lost?

Keep in mind that a professional service can recover all types of files, because they have the full versions of the most advanced data recovery software. Furthermore, they can also preview the files before recovering them so you will be provided with a data recovery from where you can choose which selected files to be retrieved or ask for all of them back.

Even when the hard drive data recovery is exposed to severe recovery situations, professional data recovery services can include additional support for over 300 specific file types and uncommon file types such as FLV and flash files, MIDI music files, digital media files, voice files, and many others.

Another service that professionals can offer and you probably will not be able to implement, except if you are an IT technician, is the emergency boot media, which allows you to recover data from systems that cannot boot Windows due to data loss, hard drive damage or virus attack.

Sometimes you can have the knowledge and skills, the data recovery software, but not the time. Professional services can perform the recovery because of time constraints, offering a solution for almost any hard drive situation or the critical nature of the data recovery.

Such hard drive data recovery solutions may include the most advanced data recovery software, including disk diagnostic and file repair, the best disk diagnostic tools, improved file type searching capabilities, and the confidence that your most important information is in good hands to be rescued.

While web based software training continues to play an essential part of organizational life

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