Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Computing Ethics Interpretation

One of the things that distinguish between crackers and hackers, or between the Computer Underground and the Computer Security Industry is a problem of ethics.  Both have a different ethical basis and may have different interpretations of a topic related to the problem of computing.  Back, Paul Taylor saw this that became the basis of distinguishing the two.  Besides the issue of group, age also seems to differentiate the views (interpretation) on a topic.  One

For example, assume that the Computer Security Industry Computer Underground still do not understand that "computing" is not just a game and they (meaning CU) must break away from

"Playpen1".  Differences of opinion may arise in a variety of topics.  For example, how do you think of hiring a hacker as a chief security of your information system?  Some argue that this is the same as hiring a rioter (dig, thugs) as head of local security.  If the analogy is agreed, then the negative effect caused understandable.  However, the computer underground of the opinion that the analogy is not quite right.  The computer

Underground believes that hacking is more directed to the quality of intellectual and pioneer spirit.  If the analogy, perhaps more towards the game of chess and the "wild west" (in American antiquity.) A more detailed discussion about this can be read in the dissertation of Paul Taylor.

Disagreement also occurred in the problem of "probing", ie finding out the weaknesses of a system.  Computer security industry thought that the probing is an activity that is unethical.  While the computer underground assume that they helped by pointing out a weakness in a system (although not in its management system).  If analogous to in everyday life (if you agree with the analogy), how do you think of someone (who was not asked) who try flipping through a door or window of your house with an excuse to test the safety of your home.

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